Have you appreciated anyone lately?
I know, it may sound cheesy, this whole appreciation thing.
But truly, do we do enough of it? Or, do we actually forget the significant impact a few simple words of appreciation can have on a co-worker, one’s boss, a client, or even one’s spouse?
Recently, I worked with a client whose services touch many of us, actually, all of us. As they quietly shared some of their stories, I realized how taking things for granted is intrinsic to our very nature and how little time we take to acknowledge what people do for us.
Why, of course, it’s completely obvious for a team member or a colleague to send out emails, organize a successful meeting with the client, and finish their report on time. But isn’t it remarkable that they get the job done?
And certainly, one would expect to have our garbage removed and our roads cleared of snow – especially since we pay for those services – but isn’t it short of miraculous that we aren’t surrounded by waste or stuck in snow banks for weeks?
(And isn’t it amazing to come home to a deliciously prepared dinner – which is often the case for me?)
In today’s workplace, many of us face immense pressure to meet deadlines, deliverables, fulfill quotas, satisfy impatient clients, often at the expense of our own human experience. Even though we’re already stretched, we stretch ourselves further. Even though time is infinite, we make it a finite commodity.
As a result, we overlook the essential: that we’re all here together to make someone else’s human journey better. True leaders take the time to recognize that, as well as the time to give recognition for a job well done.
Leadership starts with taking a look at yourself. Acknowledge and appreciate all that you do for your colleagues, clients, friends, family and community!
And then, why not send an email to, or stop by, one of your co-workers, your boss, your public service provider, your doctor, thanking them for their contribution and support ?
Appreciation is a form of gratitude, and it goes a long way in shifting our attention towards what’s going well in our lives. It’s essential in lifting spirits when times are rough, and it’s powerful enough to change an entire work culture.