Feeling overwhelmed and at a loss for direction? Here are a few things you can do to better communicate your needs and regain leadership over yourself

Are you overwhelmed by the torrent of online meetings and discussions you have to tackle ? Or labouring hard to communicate with, and lead your team remotely? Or maybe you’re just trying to cope with all the demands that work and home place on an already tight schedule ?

You’re certainly not alone.

Many times, the feeling of being overrun stems from believing we’re not enough, that we’re not living up to someone else’s expectations.  That causes tremendous pressure that can manifest in various symptoms, such as disengagement, confusion, and even anxiety. 

So, what can do to get ourselves back on track and into a place of agency and empowerment?

Here are a couple of suggestions:

  1. Write your priorities down. No more than 3-4. Look at each one and feel what comes up.  Pick the one that energizes you the most and commit to that.  Don’t try to tackle everything at once! 
  2. Speak up. If you need or don’t understand something, say it!  By communicating your needs, you will be able to better assess the situation and identify what next steps to take. Clarity is a boon to everyone. 
  3. Reach out to people. Isolation is one of the worst feelings.  By reaching out for help you will eliminate the self-imposed burden of having to accomplish everything alone. As a result, the channels of communication will open up, and solutions will begin to appear. 
  4. Set time aside for yourself.  In times where everything seems urgent, it’s paramount to set healthy boundaries.  Schedule breaks in your agenda, set the timer and force yourself to get up, take a walk, or even close your eyes and meditate.  If you believe you don’t deserve 10-15 minutes to yourself, remember how a rested mind is beneficial to you, your family and your organization. 

Just recently, I coached a young woman who had been hired (virtually) as a project manager in a government department.  She was feeling completely overwhelmed with her new team, not to mention the fact that her supervisor was not giving her any support or guidance.  In her coaching session with me, she was able to regain her confidence, carve out time for herself and take charge of her situation. 

If you’re looking to identify your challenges, uncover your leadership potential and  gain more confidence, or if you simply need support in a time of great vulnerability and upheaval – then Coaching is something I invite you to explore. 

It’s a simple, empowering process and moreover – it’s a gift to yourself. 

To book an appointment, please contact me at voice@sylvialarrass.com or 613-447-6428.
